Being Phil's Big Sis
by Becky
Being Phil's big sister was similar to what Claudia experienced being his younger sister.
I was only 1-1/2 years older than Philip, but we were 2 years apart in school grades (something to do with my mother holding him back one year when it was time to enter kindergarten because she didn't feel he was "mature" enough).
I spent my first two years at Kent-Meridian High School as that quiet, studious, shy but friendly girl who glided anonymously through the hallways with my one or two close friends. Never part of the "in" group, I was content to study hard and have fun on the weekends.
Until Philip entered the school. All of a sudden I was "Phil Kendall's big sister". I was noticed. I felt proud to be his sister, as I always had, even when we were kids. He was always the outgoing one, the funny one, the charming one. Now I was important as well, holding the distinction of being related to him.
All of a sudden I had more attention than I felt I deserved or wanted. One evening after an all-boys Key Club meeting of which he was a member (I think you had to have a school letterman's jacket to be in it) Phil told me that our student body President had nominated me to be a Key Heart and the others had voted me in. A Key Heart was the token female chosen each month to bring cookies to meetings and (for me) sit in the back feeling awkward. If it wasn't for the fact that Philip would be there at the meeting, I doubt I would have had the courage to show up.
Philip is always with me. I "talk" to him often. I especially think of all the things he has missed that he would have gotten such a kick out of -- movies, technology, our nieces and nephews. Oh Philip, we hardly knew you....